Three years after the edition 2019, the 15th Taklimakan Rally will kick off in Aksu, Xinjiang Province on May 20, 2023. 140 racing cars with 240 competitors from 50 racing teams are ready to accept the challenge, with the hope of making it to the finish line and enjoy the closing ceremony on June 1 in Hotan.
The 2023 Taklimakan Rally takes place in the south-west of Xinjiang Province and its stages cover 3 regions in this area including Aksu, Kashi and Hotan. The 12-day rally includes 1 SSS, 2 rest days and 9 special stages, covering 4300 km with the timed section amounting to 2250 km. According to the Recco team, the desert stage accounts for 70% of the special stage, which makes the highest proportion in the rally history. Before reaching the finish line, the competitors are about to experience the desert, the gobi, the canyon, the riverbed, the gravel and of course the “fesh-fesh”road. The multi-terrain design is the guarantee for the pure driving pleasure and exciting competition.
In the auto category, 90 vehicles from 25 teams have been successfully registered. The HANWEI Team led by Han Wei, who won the 8th place in the 2023 Dakar and thus set a new record for the Chinese pilots, has signed up 6 racing cars for this year’s Taklimakan Rally, with the ambition to conquer the game. SHANXI YUNXIANG Team, which has registered 15 racing vehicles, constitutes the largest team in this category. In the T2 catogory, apart from Zhengzhou Nissan Team and CHERY Team, the SAIC-GM registered for the first time in Taklimakan , which makes the competition in the this category more interesting. 
In the moto category, 42 pilots have been successfully signed up, Yakefu, the local pilot who has win the 3rd place in the 2019 Taklimakan Rally and is also the best Chinese moto record holder in the Dakar Rally, will participate this year with his 2 teammates on behalf of his hometown Xinjiang. Fang Mingji, the 4-time Taklimakan winner will participate this year with his son Fang Xiangliang, the “Like Father Like Son” team will compete together in this year’s rally.
The 2023 Taklimakan Rally Schedule shown as below:
Date       Stage    Special Satage   Bivouac
May 20     SSS      23KM          Aksu
May 21     SS1      207KM         Aksu-Aksu
May 22     SS2      254KM         Aksu-Makit
May 23     SS3      138KM         Makit No. 39-Makit No. 39
May 24     Rest Day 1                Makit No. 39
May 25     SS4      385KM          Makit No. 39-Makit No. 39
May 26     SS5      383KM          Makit No. 39-Hotan
May 27     Rest Day 2                Hotan
May 28     SS6      286KM          Hotan-Hotan
May 29     SS7      292KM          Hotan-Keriya
May 30     SS8     186KM           Keriya-Keriya
May 31     SS9     45KM            Keriya-Hotan
June 01     Closing Ceremony          Hotan





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