• 2017The level of domestic and international participating teams and players in 2017 has reached a new record.

    The level of domestic and international participating teams and players in 2017 has reached a new record

  • 2016 the Taklamakan Rally TV Alliance, including 14 national TV media, was established.

    The Taklamakan Rally TV Alliance (which includes 14 national TV media, such as Hunan Satellite TV and Hunan TV Urban Channel)

  • 2015Set a new record

    A total of 143 cars, 22 motorcycles, and 308 people participated in the event, set a newrecord The scale is second to the ParisDakar Rally

  • Feb 17, 2014 Officially upgraded to an international A-Level event

    China Taklamakan (International) Rally Central Asia Promotion Meetingwas held in Almaty, Kazakhstan This event star

  • 2013Report by Hunan Satellite TV

    Hunan Satellite TVconductsfull coverage and live broadcast to Rally During this event, Hunan Satellite TVhas completed featureprogramsof the 9 Segments of the Taklamakan RallyTour

  • 2012 CCTV conducts live broadcast to the event of Taklamakan Rally

    Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zonebecomes the title sponsor of the event Without doubt, Taklamakan

  • 2011CCTV realized live broadcast to Qualifying of the Event for the first time; and realized Aerial Photography for the first time

    Celebrity Richie Jenand Leon Dai, a director who ever won Golden Horse Awardsparticipated in the motorcycle group

  • 2010First move to the Kumtag Desert region of Eastern Xinjiang

    Taklamakan Rally organizing committee co-sponsored the Taklamakan Rally CharityBookstore public benefit activity with the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Volunteers Association

  • 2008The event set up a "Golden Helmet" award for the first time

    Nearly 300 volunteers established the Taklamakan RallyAmway Volunteer Olympic Forest Xinjiang Taklamakan RallyRed Cr

  • April 6, 2007 Upgraded to national A-level event

    Lu Ningjun, Zhou Yong and other well-known domestic Dakar event playersparticipated for the first time

  • 2006The second Taklamakan Rally

    The number of playersin the eventexceeded 200 And the number of the vehiclesrapidly expanded to 100or so

  • May 2005 Xinjiang Taklamakan Rally Motorcycle Sports Club (limited liability company) was established;

    The first TaklamakanRallyofficially started in Xinjiang Acharity event with the name of "Sing for Love"was held in the closing ceremony

  • May 2004 Taklamakan Rally Automobile Club was established.

    Taklamakan Rally Automobile Club was established


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